Physio Bondi & Physio Sydney CBD - Balance In Motion Physiotherapy

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The Number 1 Cause of Injuries in January Every Single Year

The Number 1 Cause of Injuries in January Every Single Year

A vicious combination of New Year’s Resolutions to  INSERT FITNESS GOAL, consistent daily consumption of Beers and an overindulgence of Christmas leftovers and cheese plates. 

The extra kilos are visible and you want to get rid of them yesterday...

We forget that our body, and in particular our muscles and tendons have got used to a few weeks of sitting around doing not much, and those lunchtime siestas have really caught up with us.  

The desire to go back and train like an animal on a body that ain’t exactly ready can cause overload of our muscles and tendons. 

Particularly the ankles such as your Achillies Tendon. 

Picture this: one minute you are doing some hill sprints, the next morning you can barely walk. 

What happened?

The most frustrating thing is that all that motivation is instantly destroyed and the X goal is now a distant memory.

How can we stop this from happening?

  • Remember to ease back into training the first couple of weeks. 

  • Have recovery days for yoga / cross training

  • Strengthen your body.

Muscles need to be strong to protect your tendons and joints. Check out the below muscle groups which are an essential part of any runner or triathletes program. Watch on

A common muscle we often forget to strengthen is the Soleus or your short calf. It’s an ankle stabilizer and super important for all you runners. Check out these two options to strengthen it now. If you are a runner or running is involved in your sport these should be part of your strength program. Watch the BELOW video

Are ankle or hip niggles messing with your New Year Fitness Goals part 2: Build Some Glutes!!

Glutes or outside hip muscles are really important for us. They keep your pelvis stable and your hip controlled. Why is this important? Your ankle tendons and muscles have to compensate for poor control up the chain. So if your pelvis drops (think a catwalk model) your ankle bends in more making those tendons and muscles work harder. Try these two exercises BELOW and add them to your program to build some backside strength today!

Can’t train because of Bushfire smoke but want to do at least something productive? OR simply are time poor and want a quick program to do a couple of times per week. This is a 4 exercise circuit that targets your running and cycling muscles. You can pick up a kettlebell pretty cheap at Rebel or Kmart. The smoke back up plan can be started with 30 seconds per exercise. Each week you can add another 10 to 15 seconds to progress and challenge your muscles more!

If you are struggling at the moment and want someone to construct a program to stop the niggles. Give us a call on 02 93650004 or book online with James here: