Myth: Physio Is Just For Muscle Strains

Physio’s don’t just treat muscle strains! We assess and treat the entire musculoskeletal system; bones, joints, muscles, ligaments, fascia, tendons, and more. If you have an issue (pain, stiffness, weakness, instability) that is associated with movement, then it is likely that a Physio is the right person for you!

Muscles and bones (and everything else) work as a team, you can’t treat one and not the other. If a muscle is tight, it can make the joint it crosses feel more stiff e.g. your back could feel stiff if your back muscle is tight. This could be treated by spinal joint techniques (mobilisation or manipulation), muscle loosening techniques (massage or dry needling), or exercises/stretching. These are just different ways of approaching one problem.

Often what we find is a different approach will work for different problems and different people. Maybe your back loves Pilates, while your neck and shoulders crave some hands on attention, but you need to keep your knees strong. This is very common, and why we always recommend you have a variety of physical activities in your week. It also means it’s ok to see a few different health practitioners, but it’s best to let each of them know they are part of the team so we can communicate if needed and work together.